Bereavement Support
Grief affects us all in different ways. Everyone’s experience of losing a loved one is different and each journey will be unique. Grief can shake everything up – your beliefs, your personality, your sense of meaning and identity and even your sense of reality.
Bereavement is the time we spend adjusting to loss. There is no standard time limit and there is no right or wrong way to feel during the bereavement period – everyone learns to cope in their own way. The word ‘bereavement’ comes from the ancient German for ‘seize by violence’. Sometimes when someone dies, it can feel just like that – like that person has been forcibly taken away.
Grief, although normal, can manifest in a huge range of unexpected ways. Some people get angry, some people withdraw further into themselves and some people become completely numb. Talking about the loss often allows a person to adjust to their new life with all it’s changes – Any loss has to be acknowledged for us to move forward.
Jo Reeve is our Bereavement Support Worker.
Thanks to Big Lottery funding they are able to offer:
One to One Support and Advice
Telephone support & listening ear
Home visits
Practical advice & assistance with benefits
Information & advice about coroners and inquests
Signposting & referral to local services
Telephone Befriending Service
Regular telephone support from trained volunteers who themselves have experienced an asbestos related bereavement
A friendly voice who understands!
Coffee & Chat Support Groups – Bereavement Booths
Chance to meet others on their own grief journey
For mutual support and encouragement
Help ease that sense of loneliness and isolation
Bereavement Handbook

Thanks to a grant from Comic Relief, we have been able to publish a Bereavement Handbook. This provides practical advice and support for anyone who has been bereaved due to an asbestos related disease. You can view a pdf of the book by clicking on the link below, but if you would prefer a printed version, please email: